Supported Games & Servers > BF2142

2142 idles


i was just wondering if there was a way to move the idles around , cause this morning i tried to switch over to even the teams out, but most of the idles were on one side and there ended up being 3 on 1 and we couldnt change it up to even up cause the idle players were all on one side and we couldnt switch...poor guy got whipped up on pretty wondering...thanks

If that happens then ull need to inform one of the admins on at the time so auto ballance can be turned off or idles can be kicked. apart from that then not alot. If u let the guy have a silo or 2 then he may not feel as if he is getting slaughtered. We try our best to admin the server and keep it as fair as possible, unfortunatley we cant be there 24/7. Unfortunatly these situations do arise but we will always do our best. Thanks for bringing this up pothead.

Thats why I repeatedly ask that people check the idles per side before leaving the server. As to the admins moving ppl around, we do our best, but it is an imperfect system. But we do the best we can with what we have to work with. The only other option is an automated "bot" system, that we can not afford to purchace.

One thing I'd ask you to keep an eye on. Dont spawn into game, if your going to be afk. Pubbers dont look to see if someone is scoring or not. If they see 5 "active" people on one side, and 3 "active" people spawned into game and his side is getting swamped, hes going to leave the server. The pubber wont see that your not playing. Hes going to feel like the sides are out of ballance, even if your afk. It defeats the "good intention" of the idles if its precieved (rightly or wrongly) that one side has more ppl ingame than the other.

Its fine to bounce into/out of games (I do it all the time) but dont idle spawned in, standing in the titan hangar.  Thx.

ok...didnt think about it like that....i wont idle spawn in


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