Supported Games & Servers > BattleField - BadCo2
ready to give it a go
Need a time for this friday/saturday when U BC2 guys will be on. (BJ and Dark).
dont forget about the time difference -5hrs.
Post a few times that you will be on.
Oh man! Am I the only one left? The game was actually pretty cool, I was just getting really tired of my 1:13 k/d ratio; it just seemed like none of the guns worked. You know its pretty bad when I had more knife kills in several rounds that gun kills. I actually had like 8 in one round bc I gave up on the guns and just sprinted at people.
--- Quote from: Groovechild on June 23, 2010, 07:58:14 PM ---Oh man! Am I the only one left?
--- End quote ---
No, Groove, I think I'll be the last. Still playing on 6 yr old stuff :-X And it may be awile 'till I get w/ the times.
What times work for you i just got out on summer vacation so i am flexible on time i will be glad to help you get going on the new game.
Thanks Dark.
Saturday after lunch to u.
Will be upgraded my stuff on Friday.
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