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Topic: COD PRO Kit tips & info (Read 3172 times)
COD PRO Kit tips & info
November 30, 2010, 08:52:55 PM »
Posts: 91
weapon of choice: MY BARE HANDS
Alright Eric and Midnight have asked if I could put something together to help them with this new game.
And here it is:
Class Customization:
One of the more fun things in CoD is to buy new guns and such to make your self more deadly on the field of battle.(can't use battlefield different company lol)
Ok so there are 5 classes of primary weapons that you can purchase from:
Sub Machine guns (SMGs)
The first SMG you get and imo one of the best
Rubbish just pure Rubbish. Only way to make it work is to Dual wield and run into close range and Spray and Pray!
See Scorpion
Ok this gun is so powerful that many people would call it an assault rifle, but it is smaller and has a much higher fire rate.
So if you like SMGs speedy firing rate and assault rifles power this is the one you want.
See Scorpion
it has a small clip making the extended clip a necessity but is just ok
My favorite what it lacks in stopping power it makes up for in the speed it throws lead.
like the MPL but not as good cause it makes a different sound
like the PM63 it has a small clip which eats bullets faster than you can out more in it. Can also be dual wielded.
Personally I place Rapid fire on any SMG I have greatly increasing its already fast rate of fire. But if you cant get the hang of the Iron sights go with the red dot or reflex sights. Of course dual wielding SMGs greatly reduces their accuracy so only do this if you want to play 24/7 NukeTown.
Also the Warlord Perk allows you to equip 2 attachments to your gun. This means that you can have Rapid fire and a red dot sight, or extended mag and reflex sight. You can not have Rapid fire and Extanded mag...the game does not let you...I've tried.
Assault Rifles
Your first Rifle and a good standard, The three shot burst is both a curse and a blessing. As this forces you to shoot in controlled burst which increases your accuracy it also makes it hard to engage at close range since you cant just hold the button down and shoot every where.
less damage, range, and accuracy than the M16. But it is fully automatic making it a lot better at close and medium range.
Has amazing stopping power takes only 2-3 shots depending on where you hit them to kill someone. The downfall is the semi-auto which causes it to fail at closer range.
This is like the Enfield but slightly better, not much better, but better.
does more damage than the Famas but less than the M16.
Pretty much the Famas with a different skin on it.
Upgraded M14 so it is also semi-auto, if you liked the M14 you will like this better.
Hey Look! its the M16 but Fully AUTOMATIC YAY. slightly less accurate but it is equally good at long range and close range. Its an AK47 what else do you need to know?
this is like a gun between the Famas and AK47
reskinned M16 with a larger mag
If you can handle the Iron sights I strongly recommend the flamethrower...Actually just depends on preference really. The Noob tube is always an option as well as the pump action underbarrel shot gun attachment called "Masterkey" of course I use that cause I am a MASTER. jk jk jk jk. The ACOG sight is rubbish so go for either the red dot or reflex sights. The infrared scope is good it does tho take time to get used to since everything looks white in it and is is horrible on the snow maps. Dual mag is an option but I would much rather have a scope than that.
Light Machine Guns
A decent weapon that has a small clip considering how big it is.
Pretty much a slightly better HK21.
Just a big gun
Stoner 63
If you are going to use a LMG this is the one I would use. It has good stopping power and range and is almost like an assault rifle.
Not much you can attach other than a scope and maybe an extended mag. Again go with either a red dot or a reflex sight.
The first shot gun and a poor one at that. it is a double barrel shot gun that uses a hinge action so reloading takes forever. Just like any other shot gun it is best used up close. If you are going to use it you must go for the Slight of Hand perk so reloading is less of a problem. There are no attachments for this gun.
Slightly better than the Olympia it is a pump action shot gun with a 6 round magazine. It does have less range and less power than the Olympia, But you got 6 shots instead of 2 before you need to reload. Only attachment is grip which helps accuracy a little.
This is semi-automatic and has an 8 round magazine. the down side is it has range than the Olympia but slightly better than the Stakeout. It is the least powerful of the shotguns. But you can put on a silencer on it to get even worse range.
pretty much a slightly better SPAS-12. you can dual wield 2 of these tho which makes for amazing stopping power at close range but you got nothing against anyone 10 feet away from you.
Except for the ones I mentioned already there are no attachments for shotguns. My favorite shot gun tho is the Olympia since it has the look of a gun from 1920 and the amazingness of the best range of the shotguns and stopping power. just don't miss cause you will be dead before you can reload.
they are all rubbish so lets just skip this.
Secondary weapons
Well its a BB gun.
this BB gun hurts a little bit more
this one shoot bullets
this one kill people if you stand the recoil.
This is the one you want
Ok if you want one of the BB guns go for an extend mag because you will need the extra ammo to kill anything larger than a rat. The Python is best used with the dual wield IMO because the recoil is so ridiculous you might as well give up trying to aim and just use 2 of them and shoot as fast as you can. The CZ75 is the one you want, put the Fully Automatic upgrade on it and you have almost a sub machine gun as a secondary weapon.
M72 Law
Good all around standard rocket launcher can lock on to aircraft as well as free fire. you only get 1 rocket tho...
its an RPG it can not lock on to aircraft but it can just shoot where ever you point it unlike the next one...
only way to shoot this is to get an aircraft lock on making this an anti-air gun pretty much.
China Lake
its a noob tube that sucks
Ballistic Knife
takes practice but if you can hit people with it it instantly kill them no matter where you hit them. Also it makes you melee attacks faster while you have it out. Very short range.
Greater range than the Ballistic knife and is fun to use. It fires a dart that sticks to anyone you hit with it and explodes shortly after.
Unless you want to try the specials I'd go for the full automatic CZ75. use the launchers if you want to take down enemy planes and helicopters.
make sure you cook a Frag for at least 2 seconds before throwing it. This means hold down the Grenade throwing button and holding the Frag for 2 seconds then throwing it. This helps so the frag blows up sooner after it hits the ground and leaves less chance for the enemy to get out of the way before it explodes.
Cant cook these but they will stick to anything it hits. so you can stick it to enemies and this is a guaranteed kill or stick it to a wall behind them and have it blow up since it won't roll after it lands like a Frag.
I'd advise against this but if you want to go ahead it mainly takes practice to use. if it hits an enemy it instantly kill them. you can also go and pick it off the ground if you miss or if it is stuck in the enemies skull and go on using it again.
If you got the money buy them all and see which you like best but the Frag is just as deadly as the others and it is FREEEEEEEEEEEEE!
Willy Pete
smoke grenade that does a little damage as well.
Nova Gas
gas grenade that does damage and messes with enemies vision.
blinds EVERYONE near where it goes off for a while.
slows and slightly blinds EVERYONE that is near where is goes off for a while
Personal preference is all that matters here. my favorite is the concussion grenade. REMEMBER these are tactical grenades not lethal so use them tactically to help you kill people not to directly kill people.
Each perk can be upgraded to a PRO version granting you more bonuses by completing 3 challenges specific to each perk.
Standard: Move faster
Pro: + No falling damage
Standard: Resupply from dead bodies. Does not resupply launchers or equipment
Pro: + Doubles your starting ammo with extra magazines, replenishes tactical grenades
Standard: Undetectable by Spy Plane and Blackbird
Pro: + Undetectable by aircraft, Dogs, Infra-Red and Sentries. The enemy won’t see your name or a red crosshair when targeting you
Standard: Killstreaks 1 kill early
Pro: + Get a second chance on the result of care packages
Flak Jacket
Standard: Extra explosives resistance
Pro: + Extra fire resistance and reset fuse when you toss back grenades
Standard: Extra bullet penetration
Pro: + Bullets do extra damage to Aircraft and Turrets. Reduced flinch when shot at
Standard: Hold breath longer
Pro: + Switch between weapons faster
Steady Aim
Standard: Extra accuracy when shooting from the hip
Pro: + Quicker aiming after sprinting and quicker recovery from knife lunge
Sleight of Hand
Standard: Faster reload
Pro: + Faster aiming down sights with non-scoped weapons
Standard: 2 attachments on primary weapon
Pro: + Start with one extra lethal and tactical grenade (except smoke)
Standard: Longer sprint
Pro: + Unlimited sprint
Standard: Move silently
Pro: + Louder enemy footsteps, makes you completely silent
Second Chance
Standard: Pull out pistol before dying
Pro: + Survive longer and any team mate can revive you
Standard: Detect enemy equipment and explosives
Pro: + Booby trap enemy Care Packages and turn enemy killstreaks and equipment friendly
Tactical Mask
Standard: Reduce the effect of Flash and Concussion grenades
Pro: + Reduces the effects of Gas and Concussion grenades. Reveals the location of a flashed or stunned enemy
Try different combinations that fit your play style. The thing that will help the most is actually playing and getting used to the pace of the game and how it works.
Re: COD PRO Kit tips & info
Reply #1 on:
November 30, 2010, 10:40:49 PM »
Posts: 2780
Nice post. Thanks!
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Joseph Stalin
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Re: COD PRO Kit tips & info
Reply #2 on:
December 01, 2010, 03:37:31 PM »
Posts: 1581
Eric14 aka StrontiumDog34
Thanks Joe.
Great job well done.
Re: COD PRO Kit tips & info
Reply #3 on:
December 02, 2010, 06:17:49 AM »
Posts: 98
you did a good job but u forgot the equipment =P
Re: COD PRO Kit tips & info
Reply #4 on:
December 02, 2010, 10:43:50 AM »
Posts: 16
checking out potential clans to join.
Re: COD PRO Kit tips & info
Reply #5 on:
December 02, 2010, 12:06:49 PM »
Posts: 91
weapon of choice: MY BARE HANDS
^ oooooooooo
Nice site.
this whole post was just my opinion of the weapons and such really.
And yes I forgot the equipment because I have stopped using them lol.
Re: COD PRO Kit tips & info
Reply #6 on:
December 28, 2010, 03:19:42 PM »
Posts: 108
Totally agree with all Joe has written...many thx for the tips...I now need to decide whether to 'prestige' or not...lol
Three can keep a secret if two are dead
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