Supported Games & Servers > BF2142
Non-Member Donations
Seems to be a topic that has come up a few times recently and deserves more thought. I never liked the idea of accepting money from non-members. Cant explain why exactly. Misguided machismo? LoL. I hope not. Guess it makes me happy to have our guys active in all aspects of clan participation. Including understanding the monthly expences.
Its rare when we get people from the outside, wanting to show some appreciation for the servers. Its something that keeps comming up, so thought I'd get something posted on it.
If you have never given in the past, contact Eric first. He handles collections and pay outs. If our monthly expences are covered, we may not be accepting donations at a given time. If you've given in the past and I've relented, you know the drill.
No donations over $10 please.
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