Supported Games & Servers > BattleField - BadCo2

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Hi...I have now got my new PC!! it's f'ing magic...loaded BF2142 - took a while but eventually windows 7 let me do it...then tried to load BBC2...ummmm...that too eventually loaded, can get into game, but unable to see any servers at all...any ideas?

click on multiplayer> Server browser > Click the search boxes that fit your criteria

Start with our server:

under filter options, find server name box, type o/s

Make sure the N.America, conquest, ranked boxes are checked.

We wont be on till late your time, but this should allow you to find a server.

Once you get that done, play around w/ the filter options and you should be able to get it sorted.

Enjoy the eye candy!

F'ING're a star!! worked a dream...God knows what I was doing before - lol...found the server...had a quick run playing in high specs!!'s even given BF2142 a new lease of away with friends tomorrow, but will be back Sunday to haunt both servers...will also make sure I make the donation...laters Mr B...THANK YOU.

Yeah, even just considering if you had only upgraded your video card, the added graphics would be a noticable lift in your online experience. But with a complete system upgrade, you'll be in hog heaven playing FPS now.

I remember my most recent hardware addition. When I loaded into game it was like "WOW! This is what the rest of you have been seeing."


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