Supported Games & Servers > BF2142

2142 GAME and PB HELP.


After many hours of trolling the WEB trying to fix all the probs that this game gives us here is a few of the solutions.


Install 2142 process.

1.Install BF2142
2.Install Patch 1.50 FULL
3.Install NS
4.Install Patch 1.50 FULL
5.Install Punkbuster services
8.Manually update Punkbuster

Un-install 2412 process

The first step is to manually uninstall 2142. Here are the steps taken from the EA support site:

To delete the configuration files and local copy of your account:

1. Click the Start button on the Windows Taskbar.
2. Select My Documents.
3. Right-click the Battlefield 2142 folder and select Delete.

To delete the game files (in the default location):

1. Click the Start button on the Windows Taskbar.
2. Select My Computer.
3. Double-click the C:drive.
4. Double-click the Program Files folder.
5. Double-click the EA GAMES folder.
6. Right-click the Battlefield 2142 folder and select Delete.
7. Go to the following folder: C:Program FilesInstallShield Installation Information (If you cannot find this folder you may have to go to Tools > Folder Settings and click the setting to SHOW hidden folders.)
8. Right-click the folder named {ED50ECE9-EC54-4C05-B5ED-EE4741A9F2EC} and select Delete.
9. Close all open windows.
10. Right-click the Recycle Bin and select Empty Recycle Bin.

To edit the registry and remove Battlefield 2142:

1. Click the Start button on the Windows Taskbar.
2. Select Run.
3. Type regedit in the text field and click OK.
4. Click File and select Export.
5. Name the file Backup and make sure the Export Range is set to All.
6. Click Save; you will now be returned to the Registry Editor window.
7. Click the plus (+) sign next to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
8. Click the plus (+) sign next to Software.
9. Click the plus (+) sign next to EA GAMES.
10. Right-click the Battlefield 2142 folder and select Delete.
11. Back under Software, click the plus (+) sign next to Electronic Arts.
12. Click the plus (+) sign next to EA GAMES.
13. Right-click the Battlefield 2142 folder and select Delete.
14. Just above EA GAMES, you will see a folder named EA CORE. Click the plus (+) sign next to EA CORE.
15. Click the plus (+) sign next to INSTALLED GAMES.
16. Click the plus (+) sign next to EA GAMES.
17. Right-click and select Delete on any Battlefield 2142 folders.
18. Click the plus (+) sign next to Microsoft.
19. Click the plus (+) sign next to Windows.
20. Click the plus (+) sign next to CurrentVersion.
21. Click the plus (+) sign next to Uninstall.
22. Right-click the key named {ED50ECE9-EC54-4C05-B5ED-EE4741A9F2EC} and select Delete.
23. A Confirm Key Delete window will appear, choose Yes.
24. Close the WindowsRegistry Editor.

Battlefield 2142 should now be completely removed from your system.

Unmodified Content Error Solution Guide

1. Go to the start menu and select "Run".
2. In The Box that pops up type "regedit".
3. This has opened the registry. Don't ask what it is, because it's kinda complex.
4. If you need to make a back up select "File" and then the 2nd option named "Export". Select where you want the backup and then save it.
5. Over on the left is a frame with all the registry "Folders" for lack of a better word. The third(or so) one should be "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE". Next to it , on the left, is a plus sign. Click on it to expand it.
6. Click the plus (+) sign next to "Software".
7. Click the plus (+) sign next to "Electronic Arts".
8. Click the plus (+) sign next to "EA GAMES". Yes, it is in capitals.
9. Click the plus (+) sign next to "Battlefield 2142".
10. Find the registry key(entry) called Version.
11. Right click on it and select "Modify".
12. Modify it to 1.10
13. Exit the registry editor.
14. Install the latest official patch.
15. Try to join the server again.

Crashes To Desktop and PC hangs after doing everything you can think of?

You need to test your PC RAM. Go to:
Download - Pre-Compiled Bootable ISO (.zip)
and make a CD from the ISO. Use a rewritable so you can wipe it again, or use the floppy download.
Make sure your PC boot sequence in the BIOS (usually get into this with del on boot up) is set CD first then HardDisk, and boot from the CD. Run through a complete set of tests whilst you're out at work/school whatever as this takes simply ages with over a GB of RAM, but is very thorough. Any problems highlighted will mean you probably need to replace the affected DIMM (RAM stick). Hopefully not all your RAM will be affected.
You can first check your RAM is in matched pairs (same make, size & speed in same coloured slots), and if not, assuming you have two sticks, remove one stick for testing purposes (yes it'll run and load slower, but if CTD dissappears then it's memory related). If you have four sticks, remove all bar one of them (leave it in slot 0) and test. If it still CTDs, swap the RAM stick over for another and re-test. If it CTDs on all sticks, then you definately need to test your memory.
Good luck - I know it's a pain, but it'll be worth it if you can sort out your problem. Remember, very few applications commonly used will hog as much RAM as BF2142, so it may be the only one which highlights the problem memory.
Another free memory tester MEM386:

Error on game load "Memory.dll : sanity check : block size 246157300 ( 234.75MB ) doesn't seem sane", or similar Memory sanity check insane error.

There are several steps to try to resolve this apart from checking your RAM isn't dodgy (see above):
(a) Try clearing your page file on shutdown by following this M$ article here:
(b) Try resetting your Pagefile. The error can be due to a corruption of the Pagefile, although this should have been cleared by (a), it may be recurring due to fragmentation. Make a note of the original Windows Pagefile size, set it to 0, then reset it back to the original size.
Every so often GrmRprRG runs a little utility called PageDefrag to make sure there's no fragmentation of his PageFile. You can get it from MS at:
(c) Make sure you have the latest motherboard drivers for your SATA drive (used to be a major issue with BF2).
(d) Reinstall Windows and have a clean install of BF2142. Its quicker than extended troubleshooting if the above fixes didn't work.
If you have two harddrives, install Windows afresh onto your spare drive, and then copy the new BF2142 install back onto the other HD with the problem (you could use an external USB drive for copying the game over if you don't want to fiddle with master / slave jumpers on the drives). Also copy the BF2142 folder in My documents.
All should be ok now.

CD-ROM Troubleshooting

Cleaning up your Battlerecorder List

If you want to have a fast and easy solution go to:

My DocumentsBattlefield 2142Battlefield 2142Profiles\0001

(0002 for your second soldier, 0003 and 0004 for your other two)

Open the file "DemoBookmarks" with a Text Editor. Each Battlerecorder log will begin with LocalProfile.addDemoBookmark
Now you are free to delete all those old Bookmarks at once where the Demofile was deleted ages ago anyway.

Voip Stops Working Mid-Round, but Vent Works Fine?

1. Launch Battlefield
2. Under Option, go to Audio
3. Uncheck Voip
4. Connect to Vent
5. Check Voip


1. Make sure that you either disable your firewall (probably not a good idea) or allow PnkBstrA.exe and PnkBstrB.exe access to do things (McAfee has been known to automatically add these services to the block list).
2. Download pbsvc.exe (, which is a utility to uninstall and reinstall PunkBuster.
3. Open pbsvc.exe and select Un-Install/Remove PunkBuster Service.
4. Open pbsvc.exe again and this time select Install/Re-Install PunkBuster Service.
5. After installing, it will test your services. Make sure you get a "Test completed successfully without error." message. If not, then copy and paste the results of the test here.
6. Now download PBSETUP (, which is a utility to update PunkBuster to the latest version. For Windows:pbsetup.exe (
7. Open pbsetup.exe. It will probably have to check for updates, allow it to do that.
8. Click the "Add a Game" button at the top.
9. Select your game (in this case Battlefield 2142) and make sure that the directory is correct.
10. Click the "Check for Updates" button at the top.

Or View it below:)

Also see.

For some light reading after all that see:!

Some of the tweaks there will greatly improve the games stability and speed!

VideoSettings.setAntialiasing 8Samples

For some weird reason 2142 doesn't like to let people set their AA to 8x... Some people force it through the NVidia Control Panel, however I found a way for it to display 8x in-game.

Navigate to your "My Documents" folder. In there is a folder called "Battlefield 2142", and inside of that are several sub-folders. Open up "Profiles". Now find out which profile folder is yours (dang that sounds vague...) Pretty much, just open one of the numbered files (For example: "0001") and then open up the "Profile.con" file with notepad (Right Click --> Open With --> Notepad OR choose program from list). If it has your soldier name, then you are good to go! Close Profile.con, and open up "Video.con" with notepad. Look for

VideoSettings.setAntialiasing 4Samples

and change it to

VideoSettings.setAntialiasing 8Samples

Enjoy your game with your clear and crisp 8x AA!

Cleaning up your Battlerecorder List

When playing on Battlerecorder enabled Servers all day the list in the "Community" tab will grow larger and larger every day.

If you want to have a fast and easy solution go to:

My DocumentsBattlefield 2142Battlefield 2142Profiles\0001

(0002 for your second soldier, 0003 and 0004 for your other two)

Open the file "DemoBookmarks" with a Text Editor. Each Battlerecorder log will begin with LocalProfile.addDemoBookmark and looks like this:

" LocalProfile.addDemoBookmark "SQUADPLAY All The Way" "fall_of_berlin" "" 1180112192 "

Now you are free to delete all those old Bookmarks at once where the Demofile was deleted ages ago anyway.

Stop movies from loading

First thing to do is stop those movies from loading and running taking vast amount of memory and the all important TIME.
find your BF2142 directory, this is mine.

C:Program FilesElectronic ArtsBattlefield 2142

browse to the sub folder mods\bf2142Movies now rename the following files

Dice.bik to Dice._bik
EA._bik to EA._bik
Intro._bik to Intro._bik

That's the movies taken care of, just in case PunkBuster watches them do not remove/delete them from the folder.

BF2142 Patch 1.51        If you are having probs see below

The install order for the game is now:
Battlefield 2142 / Battlefeild 2142 Deluxe
Battlefield 2142 v1.50 FULL - Re-start Comp.
Battlefield 2142 v1.51 - Re-start comp.
If you have Northern Strike there is no need to install it seperately as it is included in the v1.51 file for everyone to play.

UP-Date PB. from My doc's Bf2142 folder.

Make sure EA Downloader is up to date.

Should be good to go.

When finished your exe version should be which you can see by ALT+TAB'ing the game and it will be in your task bar or by setting your BF2142 shortcut Target line to +fullscreen 0.

Remember if you have any probs with the GAME or PB post in the 2142 section. You are not alone. Someone will help.

POST in the 2142 section if you have any FIX and I can add it to the sticky.


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