Supported Games & Servers > BattleField - BadCo2

For Butt..


And you said you needed to see proof. I got my ace pin!!! :)

lol... Where do I begin?

First red flag is 33-11 (w/ no associated pins)  Who was the one other person on the server? Snipas idle?  :P How'd ya manage to die 11 times? hahahaha

Second red flag - The one flag attacker pin is a giveaway- Only one?  Married w/ only 1006 points, lol. Me smells an alomst empty server  8) Or ---> playing against someone w/ a learning disability!  ;D

Least now you know what the ace pin looks like   :-*

Go w/ a real kit, and you'll be shocked how many pins you rack up


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